Seeing this post some time ago on the blog Tarleton's Quarter really inspired me to get into gaming the AWI period and helped to give me more of a focus for this project.
I bought a copy of the 'British Grenadier' rules which Giles uses (these seem to be very popular with a lot of other AWI players too) which includes a number of scenarios, one of which allows the recreation of the battle of Bunker Hill, originally fought on 17th June 1775 using a 1:20 scale.
This post will list all the figures I need to recreate the battle and I will keep coming back to it to cross off each unit as it is bought and painted.
British Forces
2nd Marines [
28th Foot [
43rd Foot [
52nd Foot [
63rd Foot [Purchased/Painted]
Light Infantry [Purchased/Painted]
Grenadiers [
Royal Artillery 6 pdrs [
Royal Artillery 12 pdrs [Purchased/Painted]
American Forces
1st Militia [
2nd Militia [
3rd Militia [
Skirmishers [Purchased/Painted]
3 pdr gun [Purchased/Painted]
4th Militia [Purchased/Painted]
5th Militia [Purchased/Painted]
6th Militia [Purchased/Painted]